About Us
We Work Directly With Wholesale Lenders
Welcome to Integrity Home Lending. We purposely selected Integrity as our name, as its definition is our core value. Our mission is to help every home buyer and owner find the right mortgage solution based on the borrower’s needs. Helping the home owner find the right program at the right time is our passion project. At Integrity Home Lending we don’t just drink the Kool-Aid, we swim in it.
Experience today what makes us different. If you are looking for a quick preview, here are three insights…
- We use the best technology. This makes processing your mortgage easier, quicker, and gives all a communication platform to understand where you the borrower is within the process
- Every loan officer has completed the necessary lending course work and is licensed in the state with whom she/he is talking to. The loan officer is able to advise on the mortgage program that is right for you based on your individual needs
- We work directly with wholesale lenders to find the best rate possible for our customers We do not work for a bank where the interest rate carries fees to pay countless people who do not work on your mortgage, therefore keeping our rates low.