Conventional Loans
Pros – You get the peace of mind know your fixed rate will not move higher over time. You can always remortgage when rates are lower.
Cons – If you are only going to be in your house for a few years our experts may find a better program for you
• Consolidate your debt into one easy payment.
• Get out of an adjustable rate and into a low fixed rate loan.
• Payoff a high interest rate sub-prime 1st and/or 2nd mortgage (combo).
• Payoff a prime rate attached adjustable home equity loan.
• Pay off your mortgage early and save BIG on your overall monthly payments and interest.
• Establish a college fund or contribute to your retirement plan.
• Get rid of an impending balloon payment or prepayment penalty on your current loan.
• Consider home improvements! Add that kitchen, garage, bedroom etc.